Plastic molding technology
The basic material for plastic injection molding is plastic material, which is transported in the form of granules from transport containers to hoppers located in the upper part of the injection molding machine.
The suction of the material into the hoppers of injection molding machines can be preceded by the enrichment of the material with dye or other component (lubricant, supercoolant,…) and drying. If it is technologically necessary for the material to be dried before pressing, the granulate first goes into a drying silo (in our case a molecular silo) where it is dried to the required values. The correct moisture content of the material is checked with a halogen or other analyser.
The prepared granulate is then removed by means of a screw placed in the plasticizing chamber. In the plasticizing chamber, the material is melted by means of induction heating elements. The melt is then homogenised by slow screw speeds and the molten plastic is injected at high pressures, so-called laminar flow, into the mould.
The injected plastic is then stabilised and cooled by a cooling system.
After stabilization of the plastic product, the mold is opened and the plastic part is removed. After the injection mould is closed again, the plastic injection cycle is repeated.
The process of plastic injection moulding also often generates unwanted static charge when the product is removed from the mould, when it reaches the surface and picks up dust and dirt.
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